
You can import tasks from Trello cards using the trello service name.



Your Trello API key, available from


Trello token, see below for how to get it.


The list of board to include. If omitted, bugwarrior will use all boards the authenticated user is a member of. This can be either the board ids of the board “short links”. The latter is the easiest option as it is part of the board URL: in your browser, navigate to the board you want to pull cards from and look at the URL, it should be something like copy the part between /b/ and the next / in the trello.include_boards field.


If set, only pull cards from lists whose name is present in trello.include_lists.


If set, skip cards from lists whose name is present in trello.exclude_lists.


A boolean that indicates whether the Trello labels should be imported as tags in taskwarrior. (Defaults to false.)


Template used to convert Trello labels to taskwarrior tags. See Field Templates for more details regarding how templates are processed. The default value is {{label|replace(' ', '_')}}.

Example Service

Here’s an example of a Trello target:

service = trello
trello.api_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
trello.token = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The above example is the minimum required to import tasks from Trello. This will import every card from all the user’s boards.

Here’s an example with more options:

service = trello
trello.api_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
trello.token = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
trello.include_boards = AaBbCcDd, WwXxYyZz
trello.include_lists = Todo, Doing
trello.exclude_lists = Done
trello.only_if_assigned = someuser
trello.import_labels_as_tags = true

In this case, bugwarrior will only import cards from the specified boards if they belong to the right lists..

Feel free to use any of the configuration options described in Common Service Configuration Options or described in Service Features below.

Service Features

Include and Exclude Certain Lists

You may want to pull cards from only a subset of the open lists in your board. To do that, you can use the trello.include_lists and trello.exclude_lists options.

For example, if you would like to only pull-in cards from your Todo and Doing lists, you could add this line to your service configuration:

trello.include_lists = Todo, Doing

Import Labels as Tags

Trello allows you to attach labels to cards; to use those labels as tags, you can use the trello.import_labels_as_tags option:

trello.import_labels_as_tags = True

Also, if you would like to control how these labels are created, you can specify a template used for converting the trello label into a Taskwarrior tag.

For example, to prefix all incoming labels with the string ‘trello’ (perhaps to differentiate them from any existing tags you might have), you could add the following configuration option:

trello.label_template = trello_{{label}}

In addition to the context variable {{label}}, you also have access to all fields on the Taskwarrior task if needed.


See Field Templates for more details regarding how templates are processed. The default value is {{label|upper|replace(' ', '_')}}.

Provided UDA Fields

Field Name Description Type
trelloboard Board name Text (string)
trellocard Card name Text (string)
trellocardid Card ID Text (string)
trellolist List name Text (string)
trelloshortlink Short Link Text (string)
trelloshorturl Short URL Text (string)
trellourl Full URL Text (string)