YouTrack ======== You can import tasks from your YouTrack instance using the ``youtrack`` service name. Example Service --------------- Here's an example of a YouTrack target: .. config:: [my_issue_tracker] service = youtrack = youtrack.login = turing youtrack.token = perm:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The above example is the minimum required to import issues from YouTrack. You can also feel free to use any of the configuration options described in :ref:`common_configuration_options` or described in `Service Features`_ below. Service Features ---------------- Token +++++ To access the YouTrack rest api, you need a `permanent token `_. Unauthenticated +++++++++++++++ While the ``login`` and ``password`` fields are still required, bugwarrior will not log in to the service if you set: .. config:: :fragment: youtrack youtrack.anonymous = True .. note:: This makes no attempt at IP obfuscation. Customize the YouTrack Connection +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The ``host`` field is used to construct a URL for the YouTrack server. It defaults to a secure connection scheme (HTTPS) on the standard port (443). To connect on a different port, set: .. config:: :fragment: youtrack youtrack.port = 8443 If your YouTrack instance is only available over HTTP, set: .. config:: :fragment: youtrack youtrack.use_https = False If you want to ignore verifying the SSL certificate, set: .. config:: :fragment: youtrack youtrack.verify_ssl = False For YouTrack InCloud instances set: .. config:: :fragment: youtrack youtrack.incloud_instance = True Specify the Query to Use for Gathering Issues +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The default option selects unresolved issues assigned to the login user: .. config:: :fragment: youtrack youtrack.query = for:me #Unresolved Reference the `YouTrack Search Query Grammar `_ for additional examples. Queries are capped at 100 max results by default, but may be adjusted to meet your needs: .. config:: :fragment: youtrack youtrack.query_limit = 100 Import Issue Tags +++++++++++++++++ The YouTrack issue tracker allows you to tag issues and these tags are applied to tasks by default. To disable this behavior, set: .. config:: :fragment: youtrack youtrack.import_tags = False If you would like to control how these tags are formatted, you can specify a template used for converting the YouTrack tag into a Taskwarrior tag. For example, to prefix all incoming tags with the string 'yt\_' (perhaps to differentiate them from any existing tags you might have), you could add the following configuration option: .. config:: :fragment: youtrack youtrack.tag_template = yt_{{tag|lower}} In addition to the context variable ``{{tag}}``, you also have access to all fields on the Taskwarrior task if needed. .. note:: See :ref:`field_templates` for more details regarding how templates are processed. Provided UDA Fields ------------------- .. udas::