Gitlab ====== You can import tasks from your Gitlab instance using the ``gitlab`` service name. Example Service --------------- Here's an example of a Gitlab target: .. config:: [my_issue_tracker] service = gitlab gitlab.login = ralphbean gitlab.token = OMG_LULZ = The above example is the minimum required to import issues from Gitlab. You can also feel free to use any of the configuration options described in :ref:`common_configuration_options` or described in `Service Features`_ below. The ``token`` is your private API token. Service Features ---------------- Include and Exclude Certain Repositories ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you happen to be working with a large number of projects, you may want to pull issues from only a subset of your repositories. To do that, you can use the ``include_repos`` option. For example, if you would like to only pull-in issues from your own ``project_foo`` and team ``bar``'s ``project_fox`` repositories, you could add this line to your service configuration (replacing ``me`` by your own login): .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.include_repos = me/project_foo, bar/project_fox Alternatively, if you have a particularly noisy repository, you can instead choose to import all issues excepting it using the ``exclude_repos`` configuration option. In this example, ``noisy/repository`` is the repository you would *not* like issues created for: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.exclude_repos = noisy/repository .. hint:: If you omit the repository's namespace, bugwarrior will automatically add your login as namespace. E.g. the following are equivalent: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.login = foo gitlab.include_repos = bar and: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.login = foo gitlab.include_repos = foo/bar Alternatively, you can use project IDs instead of names by prefixing the project id with `id:`: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.include_repos = id:1234,id:3141 Filtering Repositories with Regular Expressions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you don't want to list every single repository you want to include or exclude, you can additionally use the options ``include_regex`` and ``exclude_regex`` and specify a regular expression (suitable for Python's ``re`` module). No default namespace is applied here, the regular expressions are matched to the full repository name with its namespace. The regular expressions can be used in addition to the lists explained above. So if a repository is not included in ``include_repos``, it can still be included by ``include_regex``, and vice versa; and likewise for ``exclude_repos`` and ``exclude_regex``. .. note:: If a repository matches both the inclusion and the exclusion options, the exclusion takes precedence. For example, you want to include only the repositories ``foo/node`` and ``bar/node`` as well as all repositories in the namespace ``foo`` starting with ``ep_``, but not ``foo/ep_example``: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.include_repos = foo/node, bar/node gitlab.include_regex = foo/ep_.* gitlab.exclude_repos = foo/ep_example Filtering Membership ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you want to filter repositories that you have a membership: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.membership = True Filtering Owned ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you want to filter repositories that you own: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.owned = True Import Labels as Tags +++++++++++++++++++++ The gitlab issue tracker allows you to attach labels to issues; to use those labels as tags, you can use the ``import_labels_as_tags`` option: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.import_labels_as_tags = True Also, if you would like to control how these labels are created, you can specify a template used for converting the gitlab label into a Taskwarrior tag. For example, to prefix all incoming labels with the string 'gitlab_' (perhaps to differentiate them from any existing tags you might have), you could add the following configuration option: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.label_template = gitlab_{{label}} In addition to the context variable ``{{label}}``, you also have access to all fields on the Taskwarrior task if needed: .. note:: See :ref:`field_templates` for more details regarding how templates are processed. Include Issues ++++++++++++++ Issues are included by default, if not configured otherwise. To disable querying of issues, set: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.include_issues = False Include Merge Requests ++++++++++++++++++++++ Merge requests are included by default. You can exclude them by disabling this feature: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.include_merge_requests = False Include Todo Items ++++++++++++++++++ By default todo items are not included. You may include them by adding the following configuration option: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.include_todos = True If todo items are included, by default, todo items for all projects are included. To apply the same repository filters to todos as to issues and merge requests, you may set: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.include_all_todos = False Include Only One Author +++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to only pull issues and MRs that you've authored, you may set: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.only_if_author = myusername Priority by type ++++++++++++++++ If you would like that your issues have a different default priority than your MRs or todo items, you can configure individual priorities for each: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.default_issue_priority = M gitlab.default_todo_priority = M gitlab.default_mr_priority = H Custom query strings ++++++++++++++++++++ The Gitlab REST API allows many more configuration options than the ones provided by the options explained above. If you want to further customize calls, you can set for example: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.issue_query = issues?search=foo&in=title gitlab.merge_request_query = merge_requests?state=opened&scope=all&reviewer_username=myusername gitlab.todo_query = todos?state=pending&action=directly_addressed These can be combined with the other configuration options above, but queries are only evaluated if the respective category (issue, merge_request, todo) is enabled. Note: Depending in the scope you are interested in, this query-based approach can be much faster than using the "default queries". For example, imagine that you want to query all issues assigned to your user. This can be achieved by leaving the ``include_repos`` configuration value empty and setting ``only_if_assigned`` to ``True``. This will result in querying all repos your user has access to, which might take a very long time. Alternatively, you could set ``issue_query = issues?assignee_username=myusername&state=opened&scope=all``, which will fetch the assigned issues first and then only fetch the projects for which issues have been found. Use HTTP ++++++++ If your Gitlab instance is only available over HTTP, set: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.use_https = False SSL Certificate Verification ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For secure connections using certificates signed by public certificate authorities, verification is performed automatically. For non-public CAs or self-signed certificates, the ``verify_ssl`` setting can be set to the path to a certificate file: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.verify_ssl = ~/certs/local-CA.pem If you just want to ignore any problems verifying the SSL certificate, set: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.verify_ssl = False Including Project Owner in Project Name +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ By default the taskwarrior ``project`` name will not include the owner. To do so set: .. config:: :fragment: gitlab gitlab.project_owner_prefix = True Synchronizing Issue Content +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This service synchronizes most Gitlab fields to UDAs, as described below. To limit the amount of content synchronized into TaskWarrior (which can help to avoid issues with synchronization), use * ``body_length=0`` to disable synchronizing the Gitlab Description UDA (or set it to a small value to limit size). Provided UDA Fields ------------------- .. udas::