.. _activecollab4: ActiveCollab 4 ============== You can import tasks from your activeCollab 4.x instance using the ``activecollab`` service name. Additional Requirements ----------------------- Install the following packages using ``pip``: * ``pypandoc`` * ``pyac`` Instructions ------------ Obtain your user ID and API url by logging in, clicking on your avatar on the lower left-hand of the page. When on that page, look at the URL. The number that appears after "/user/" is your user ID. On the same page, go to Options and API Subscriptions. Generate a read-only API key and add that to your bugwarriorrc file. Bugwarrior will gather tasks and subtasks returned from the `my-tasks` API call. Additional API calls will be made to gather comments associated with each task. .. note:: Use of the ActiveCollab service requires that the following additional python modules be installed. - `pypandoc `_ - `pyac `_ Example Service --------------- Here's an example of an activecollab target. This is only valid for activeCollab 4.x and greater, see :ref:`activecollab2` for activeCollab2.x. .. config:: [my_bug_tracker] service = activecollab activecollab.url = https://ac.example.org/api.php activecollab.key = your-api-key activecollab.user_id = 15 The above example is the minimum required to import issues from ActiveCollab 4. You can also feel free to use any of the configuration options described in :ref:`common_configuration_options`. Provided UDA Fields ------------------- .. udas:: bugwarrior.services.activecollab.ActiveCollabIssue