
You can import tasks from your Redmine instance using the redmine service name.

Only first 100 issues are imported at the moment.

Example Service

Here’s an example of a Redmine target:

service = redmine
redmine.url =
redmine.key = c0c4c014cafebabe
redmine.user_id = 7
redmine.project_name = redmine
redmine.issue_limit = 100

You can also feel free to use any of the configuration options described in Common Service Configuration Options.

There are also redmine.login/redmine.password settings if your instance is behind basic auth.

If you want to ignore verifying the SSL certificate, set:

redmine.verify_ssl = False

Provided UDA Fields

Field Name Description Type
redmineid ID Text (string)
redminesubject Subject Text (string)
redmineurl URL Text (string)