
You can import tasks from your Git-Bug instance using the gitbug service name.

This service requires git-bug to be installed and available to bugwarrior.

Example Service

Here’s an example of a Git-Bug target:

service = gitbug
gitbug.path = /path/to/gitbug-repo
service = "gitbug"
path = "/path/to/gitbug-repo"

The above example is the minimum required to import issues from Git-Bug. You can also feel free to use any of the configuration options described in Common Service Configuration Options or described in Service Features below.

The path should point to the location of your local Git-Bug repo.

Service Features

Import Labels as Tags

The Git-Bug issue tracker allows you to attach labels to bugs to use those labels as tags, you can use the import_labels_as_tags option:

gitbug.import_labels_as_tags = True
import_labels_as_tags = true

Also, if you would like to control how these labels are created, you can specify a template used for converting the Git-Bug label into a Taskwarrior tag.

For example, to prefix all incoming labels with the string ‘gitbug_’ (perhaps to differentiate them from any existing tags you might have), you could add the following configuration option:

gitbug.label_template = gitbug_{{label}}
label_template = "gitbug_{{label}}"

In addition to the context variable {{label}}, you also have access to all fields on the Taskwarrior task if needed.


See Field Templates for more details regarding how templates are processed.


By default, this service will spin up a git-bug instance served on port 43915. To change the port, assign:

gitbug.port = 12345
port = 12345


You’ll need to assign ports if you have multiple Git-Bug targets so that bugwarrior can run the Git-Bug server instances concurrently.

Provided UDA Fields

Field Name




Gitbug Issue Author

Text (string)


Gitbug UUID

Text (string)


Gitbug state

Text (string)


Gitbug Title

Text (string)